<aside> 📣 Below we have the best videos for you to get started on your journey with neat as an Owner, Manager or Operator. We recommend watching the videos in order to get the right information at the right time as you learn.

For any other questions or guides please navigate to the 'I am a manager' or 'I am a worker' page


1. Invite a worker

We recommend inviting one of your yourself or one of your workers to the platform first.

By inviting yourself as a worker you will be given access to the worker app and see the process for downloading and signing in.


2. Create a client

Create your first client on neat, this can be a real or test client just to get started and familiar.


3. Create a client site

Create your first client site and see how fast it is to get your clients information onto the platform.


4. Checklist setup

Create your first checklist. Checklists can be edited and duplicated at any time, save time by creating master checklists that you can duplicate and edit per site.

Checklists can be converted to inspection templates.


5. Create a recurring shift

Now that you have invited a worker, created a client, setup a site it's time to create your first recurring shift. neat has two types of shifts, single and recurring shifts, single shifts can be made from the client schedule and recurring from the recurring shift section.

Shifts can all be seen and edited from the client schedule.


6. Attendance Records

View completed shifts and shifts notes and photos via the attendance records.
