Take a look at this info graphic below that shows a simple organisation structure in Neat.



Clients are companies you provide the cleaning service. In Neat, it is at the top level in your hierarchy. You simple need to provide a name.


A site is the next level down in the hierarchy. Sites are the physical location of your Clients. This can be just one, or many. Sites have a GPS location that the Neat worker app can compare with the workers location to let you know if your workforce is actually on-site.


Areas can be added by utilising checklists. If you have a large site, like a hotel or apartment complex, you can break them into smaller areas by creating a checklist for each. For example: Lobby, Rooms, Outdoor, Pool, Storage facility.

Below are some example clients, and how you would structure them in Neat.

High rise office suite

Open Collective client.png


School client.png

Manufactory plant with 6 factories

Manufactor Enterprises.png

15 realestate offices

Real Estate Offices.png

20 public toilets